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Security & Administration

Establish guardrails that extend the freedom to build automations without opening the organization to unmanaged risks to apps and data.




The enterprise automation journey commonly follows a gradual transformation path across the organization. You identify a few use cases that will have a high business impact but require relatively lower effort at the start. This approach allows your team to set up the Workato platform and deliver quick wins with the business value of automation. At this stage, your Workato workspace may have only a few team members from the same team working together on building recipes.

As your enterprise automation journey gathers momentum, it is common for multiple teams and users to share the same Workato workspace for building their automations.

The scale and complexity of the business processes may result in multiple people working on different automations or even collaborating on a single recipe. Some automation builders might be working on IT automation projects for helpdesk management and implementing data pipelines with critical business intelligence data. Similarly, others may be working on finance automations for month-end reconciliation, invoice processing, procure-to-pay, etc., that involve sensitive financial information. In reality, you will likely have many more team members across the organization looking to use Workato to start automating their business processes.

In addition to multiple teams, most companies run on hundreds of business applications supporting their core business processes across finance, human resources, sales, marketing, and other lines of business. Some of these business processes may even span multiple systems and department boundaries. 
Often, various team members will need to share automation assets such as reusable functions, connections, job logs for testing and troubleshooting etc., in a combined effort to automate a complex business process by building recipes together. Building such automations requires empowering builders to ensure that your teams deliver solutions that address the business needs.

The Security and Administration lever focuses on establishing guardrails that extend the freedom to build automations and foster the culture of collaboration without compromising your business systems' security and your organization's compliance needs.

Here are a few different ways applying security and administration best practices can benefit your organization:
Create a frictionless experience for onboarding team members and improve their productivity by providing them with the appropriate privileges for their automation needs. 
Promote accountability with unambiguous asset ownership and good governance practices between teams in a shared workspace.
Ensure compliance with the organization's security policies and any industry-specific regulatory guidelines.
Minimize administrative overheads by streamlining the workspace management and audit procedures.
Attain leadership trust in secure and compliant platform usage for enabling broad personas across the organization with different technical skills for building automation.

Workato follows a shared responsibility model for security. Workato manages the platform security, while the users need to manage different aspects around their Workato platform usage to ensure governance.  

Workato Teams and Security capabilities facilitate agile development and provide admins with necessary governance and security tools to ensure compliance. You can use them to set up proper controls and policies to ensure that company's business systems are secured against any unintended activities by the platform users and that sensitive data is not accessible to unauthorized parties.

The diagram above highlights different user-managed Workato security and administration aspects. You can learn more about managing them in our Security Administration Best Practices guide.






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